TORN@DO presents: cRACKER's n0TES
API Details for Serial Catching

The GetDlgItemInt function translates the text of a specified control in a dialog box into an integer value.
     UINT GetDlgItemInt(
      HWND  hDlg,	                       // handle to dialog box
      int  nIDDlgItem,	                       // control identifier
      BOOL*  lpTranslated,	               // points to var to rec. suc/failr indicator
      BOOL  bSigned 	                       // specifies whether value is un/-signed
If the function succeeds, the variable pointed to by lpTranslated is set to TRUE, and the return value is the translated value of the control text.

If the function fails, the variable pointed to by lpTranslated is set to FALSE, and the return value is zero. Note that, since zero is a possible translated value, a return value of zero does not by itself indicate failure.

If lpTranslated is NULL, the function returns no information about success or failure.

If the bSigned parameter is TRUE, specifying that the value to be retrieved is a signed integer value, cast the return value to an int type.

GetDlgItemText / GetDlgItemTextA / GetDlgItemTextW
The GetDlgItemText function retrieves the title or text associated with a control in a dialog box.
    UINT GetDlgItemText(
      HWND  hDlg,	                       // handle of dialog box
      int  nIDDlgItem,	                       // identifier of control
      LPTSTR  lpString,	                       // address of buffer for text
      int  nMaxCount 	                       // maximum size of string
If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the number of characters copied to the buffer, not including the terminating null character.

If the function fails, the return value is zero.

GetWindowLong / GetWindowLongA / GetWindowLongW
The GetWindowLong function retrieves information about the specified window. The function also retrieves the 32-bit (long) value at the specified offset into the extra window memory of a window.
     LONG GetWindowLong(
      HWND  hWnd,	                      // handle of window
      int  nIndex 	                      // offset of value to retrieve
If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested 32-bit value.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

GetWindowText / GetWindowTextA
The GetWindowText function copies the text of the specified window's title bar (if it has one) into a buffer. If the specified window is a control, the text of the control is copied.
    int GetWindowText(
      HWND  hWnd,	                       // handle of window or control with text
      LPTSTR  lpString,	                       // address of buffer for text
      int  nMaxCount 	                       // maximum number of characters to copy
If the function succeeds, the return value is the length, in characters, of the copied string, not including the terminating null character. If the window has no title bar or text, if the title bar is empty, or if the window or control handle is invalid, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

This function cannot retrieve the text of an edit control in another application.

The GetWindowWord function retrieves a 16-bit (word) value at the specified offset into the extra window memory for the specified window.
     WORD GetWindowWord(
      HWND  hWnd,	                      // handle of window
      int  nIndex 	                      // offset of value to retrieve
If the function succeeds, the return value is the requested 16-bit value.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

SendDlgItemMessage / SendDlgItemMessageA / SendDlgItemMessageW
The SendDlgItemMessage function sends a message to the specified control in a dialog box.
     LONG SendDlgItemMessage(
      HWND  hwndDlg,	                       // handle of dialog box
      int  idControl,	                       // identifier of control
      UINT  uMsg,	                       // message to send
      WPARAM  wParam,	                       // first message parameter
      LPARAM  lParam 	                       // second message parameter
The return value specifies the result of the message processing and depends on the message sent.

The cRACKER's n0tES are divided into 10 main parts:
 00. INDEX
 01. Assembly for Crackers (CoRN2)
 02. SoftICE (Boot Menu, Setup, Commands)
 03. Breakpoints & Win API Details
        1 Crippled Programs
        2 Dialog Boxes
        3 Drive Type Checks
        4 File Accesses
        5 Registry Accesses
        6 Serial Catching
        7 Time & Date Accesses
        8 Window Generating
 04. Jump Instructions
 05. SET Instructions
 06. Tips & Tricks for Cracking
 07. Window Messages For Crackers
 08. Identifying Functions, Arguments, and Variables (Rhayader)
 09. Commerical Protection Systems
 10. Bitmanipulation (Cruehead)
 11. General Cracking Theory
 12. FAQ

 +A. How to contact me
 +B. What's New?

The cRACKER's n0TES are Copyright © 1998-2000 by TORN@DO of ID. All Rights Reserved. Archived and Re-hosted by Werdstaff