TORN@DO presents: cRACKER's n0TES
How to contact me

Before contacting me, ensure that you are using the latest version of the cRACKER's n0TES. Then if your going to ask me something, first try to solve your problem yourself, since you will learn from that as well. If you want to add something to the cRACKER's n0TES, feel free to e-mail me anytime at I'm currently very busy so a reply will take some time ... have some patience.

You may try contacting me on IRC (EFNet) mostly on friday evening at #Cracking4Newbies, #learn2crack, #ImmortalDescendants, #PhrozenCrew, #Win32ASM, #wkt and/or other cracking related channels. I don't know why, but I got informed by a few people, that others are trying to spoof me ... I hope they stop this shit. Maybe a look at the above mentioned channels can help you to make sure you're talking to the right guy ... you'll have to find out why yourself :)

BTW, If you see someone trying to spoof me please take the time to inform me (watch out for the nickname _tornado_ ... that's normally me). Thanks in advance ;)

The cRACKER's n0tES are divided into 10 main parts:
 00. INDEX
 01. Assembly for Crackers (CoRN2)
 02. SoftICE (Boot Menu, Setup, Commands)
 03. Breakpoints & Win API Details
 04. Jump Instructions
 05. SET Instructions
 06. Tips & Tricks for Cracking
 07. Window Messages For Crackers
 08. Identifying Functions, Arguments, and Variables (Rhayader)
 09. Commerical Protection Systems
 10. Bitmanipulation (Cruehead)
 11. General Cracking Theory
 12. FAQ

 +A. How to contact me
 +B. What's New?

The cRACKER's n0TES are Copyright © 1998-2000 by TORN@DO of ID. All Rights Reserved. Archived and Re-hosted by Werdstaff