i' ve coded a nfo and diz file viewer for the purpose of this reversing. since most of the nfo and diz files use an oem font, we' ll have to change the default font, and we' ll add a commandline parser, to load the selected files. the aim of this lesson is to get how the import table works, and how we can directly use and modify it to call the imported apis and to add new ones. we' ll see how to add code to our target, by compiling our code with an assembler, and then copying it into the target.
required files
tutorial files - all the needed files for this tutorial
tools used
hex workshop
symantec resourcestudio
I. adding some free space for our code
load procdump, click on the 'pe editor' button and open our target, then click on the 'sections' button. you see this :
name vSize vOffset rSize rOffset characteristics .text 00000368h 00001000h 00000400h 00000400h 60000020h .rdata 000002ceh 00002000h 00000400h 00000800h 40000040h .data 00000218h 00003000h 00000400h 00000c00h c0000040h .rsrc 000004a8h 00004000h 00000600h 00001000h 40000040hso we' ll extend the .rsrc section, we' ll add some bytes, so we' re sure we' ll have enough space. so edit the .rsrc section and change the vSize and rSize to 1100, then change the characteristics to e0000060h. so our code is located at offset 1600h.
II. the import table
let' s examine the import table of this target. the import tables are often located in the .idata or .rdata sections, so go at offset 800h. you see this :
000007FC 00000000 66210000 4A210000 58210000 B2210000 74210000 88210000 ....f!..J!..X!...!..t!...!.. 00000818 96210000 A4210000 00000000 DE210000 3A220000 CC210000 48220000 .!...!.......!..:"...!..H".. 00000834 F0210000 04220000 12220000 20220000 2C220000 7E220000 5A220000 .!..."...".. "..,"..~"..Z".. 00000850 6E220000 B2220000 90220000 9E220000 00000000 28210000 00000000 n"..."..."..."......(!...... 0000086C 20210000 00000000 00000000 3C210000 64200000 BC200000 00000000 !..........<!..d ... ...... 00000888 00000000 BE210000 00200000 E0200000 00000000 00000000 C2220000 .....!... ... ...........".. 000008A4 24200000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 66210000 $ ......................f!.. 000008C0 4A210000 58210000 B2210000 74210000 88210000 96210000 A4210000 J!..X!...!..t!...!...!...!.. 000008DC 00000000 DE210000 3A220000 CC210000 48220000 F0210000 04220000 .....!..:"...!..H"...!...".. 000008F8 12220000 20220000 2C220000 7E220000 5A220000 6E220000 B2220000 .".. "..,"..~"..Z"..n"...".. 00000914 90220000 9E220000 00000000 28210000 00000000 09004765 744F7065 ."..."......(!........GetOpe 00000930 6E46696C 654E616D 65410000 636F6D64 6C673332 2E646C6C 00001900 nFileNameA..comdlg32.dll.... 0000094C 436C6F73 6548616E 646C6500 32004372 65617465 46696C65 41007500 CloseHandle.2.CreateFileA.u. 00000968 45786974 50726F63 65737300 11014765 744D6F64 756C6548 616E646C ExitProcess...GetModuleHandl 00000984 65410000 6801476C 6F62616C 416C6C6F 63006F01 476C6F62 616C4672 eA..h.GlobalAlloc.o.GlobalFr 000009A0 65650000 7301476C 6F62616C 4C6F636B 0000FD01 52656164 46696C65 ee..s.GlobalLock....ReadFile 000009BC 00004B45 524E454C 33322E64 6C6C0000 58004372 65617465 57696E64 ..KERNEL32.dll..X.CreateWind 000009D8 6F774578 41008300 44656657 696E646F 7750726F 63410000 94004469 owExA...DefWindowProcA....Di 000009F4 73706174 63684D65 73736167 65410000 28014765 744D6573 73616765 spatchMessageA..(.GetMessage 00000A10 41009701 4C6F6164 43757273 6F724100 9B014C6F 61644963 6F6E4100 A...LoadCursorA...LoadIconA. 00000A2C BB014D65 73736167 65426F78 4100C601 4D6F7665 57696E64 6F770000 ..MessageBoxA...MoveWindow.. 00000A48 DD01506F 73745175 69744D65 73736167 6500EF01 52656769 73746572 ..PostQuitMessage...Register 00000A64 436C6173 73457841 00001002 53656E64 4D657373 61676541 00005902 ClassExA....SendMessageA..Y. 00000A80 53657457 696E646F 77546578 74410000 65025368 6F775769 6E646F77 SetWindowTextA..e.ShowWindow 00000A9C 00007D02 5472616E 736C6174 654D6573 73616765 00008B02 55706461 ..}.TranslateMessage....Upda 00000AB8 74655769 6E646F77 00005553 45523332 2E646C6C 00000000 00000000 teWindow..USER32.dll........go at the start of the file, localize the 'pe',0,0 signature, it' s at offset c8h, so go at offset c8h + 80h = 148h. the dword at 148h is 6c200000h, it' s the rva to the import table. so look in the sections. the dword in correct order is 0000206ch, so it' s in the .rdata section, because 2000h < 206ch < 3000h, and it' s at offset 206ch - 2000h + 800h = 86ch.
let' s look at the scheme of an import table :
[image import descriptor (dll 1)] [image import descriptor (dll 2)] .... [null image import descriptor (end of table)] [firstthunk (dll1, api1)] [firstthunk (dll1, api2)] .... [null firstthunk] [firstthunk (dll2, api1)] [firstthunk (dll2, api2)] .... [null firstthunk] [dll name] [hint|api name] [hint|api name] [dll name] [hint|api name] [hint|api name] [IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR (originalfirstthunk:dword, timedatestamp:dword, forwarderchain:dword, name:dword, firstthunk:dword)] only 2 elements will interest us : name : contains the rva of a zero-terminated string containing the name of the dll firstthunk : contains the rva of a firstthunk table firstthunk table : list of rvas (dwords) of the imported functions names. when the program is started, the rvas are replaced by the address of the go at offset 86ch, where there is the image import descriptors. you see this :
0000086C 20210000 00000000 00000000 3C210000 64200000 BC200000 00000000 !..........<!..d ... ...... 00000888 00000000 BE210000 00200000 E0200000 00000000 00000000 C2220000 .....!... ... ...........".. 000008A4 24200000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 66210000 $ ......................f!..that means :
[first dll] rva of name : 0000213ch (offset 93ch, 'comdlg32.dll') FirstThunk : 00002064h (offset 864h) [second dll] rva of name : 000021beh (offset 9beh, 'kernel32.dll') FirstThunk : 00002000h (offset 800h) [third dll] rva of name : 000022c2h (offset ac2h, 'user32.dll') FirstThunk : 00002024h (offset 824h)then there is a null entry, indicating the end of the image import descriptors directory. so we can check each firstthunk tables, and make the list of the function names.
[dll: comdlg32.dll] rva offset name of api rva of address 00002128 928h GetOpenFileNameA 00002064h [dll: kernel32.dll] rva offset name of api rva of address 00002166 966h ExitProcess 00002000h 0000214a 94ah CloseHandle 00002004h 00002158 958h CreateFileA 00002008h 000021b2 9b2h ReadFile 0000200ch 00002174 974h GetModuleHandleA 00002010h 00002188 988h GlobalAlloc 00002014h 00002196 996h GlobalFree 00002018h 000021a4 9a4h GlobalLock 0000201ch [dll: user32.dll] rva offset name of api rva of address 000021de 9deh DefWindowProcA 00002024h 0000223a a3ah MoveWindow 00002028h 000021cc 9cch CreateWindowExA 0000202ch 00002248 a48h PostQuitMessage 00002030h 000021f0 9f0h DispatchMessageA 00002034h 00002204 a04h GetMessageA 00002038h 00002212 a12h LoadCursorA 0000203ch 00002220 a20h LoadIconA 00002040h 0000222c a2ch MessageBoxA 00002044h 0000227e a7eh SetWindowTextA 00002048h 0000225a a5ah RegisterClassExA 0000204ch 0000226e a6eh SendMessageA 00002050h 000022b2 ab2h UpdateWindow 00002054h 00002290 a90h ShowWindow 00002058h 0000229e a9eh TranslateMessage 0000205chif we want to add imports, we' ll just have to copy the image import descriptors table to our section and to create new entries, and then to create new firstthunk tables and dll name and hint/name tables for our new entries. then we' ll just have to change the rva of the import table in the pe header to the new one. if we want to call an api, we just have to call the dword at the rva of address. for example, to call the getopenfilenamea api, we would call the dword at 00402064h.
III. adding compiled code
to change the font, we' ll need getstockobject, wich is from gdi32.dll. we' ll also need to import getcommandlinea, from kernel32.dll. we could just copy the firstthunk table of kernel32.dll to our section and modify it, but it will be too messy. so we' ll add two new image import directories. all the datas and the code will be written in an asm file, and then compiled and pasted in the file. we' ll also compile the asm bytes for the jump from the target to our code.
so let' s create a new basic asm file, that should look like this :
.386 .model flat,stdcall include \masm32\include\ .const .code mkCodeStart db '- code starts here -' start: ; data ; code mkCodeEnd db '- code ends here -' end startthe markers are here to localize the code easily when we' ll copy and paste in an hex editor. we' ll have to add the datas and the code between mkcodestart and mkcodeend. first, we' ll add the image import directories, so add this just beneath the data comment :
dtDirectory dd 2120h,0h,0h,213ch,2064h, ; comdlg32.dll dd 20bch,0h,0h,21beh,2000h, ; kernel32.dll dd 20e0h,0h,0h,22c2h,2024h, ; user32.dll dd 0h,0h,0h,NAME,THUNK, ; added gdi32.dll dd 0h,0h,0h,21beh,THUNK, ; added kernel32.dll dd 0h,0h,0h,0h,0h ; null entry dtGdi32Thunk: dtGetStockObject dd RVAGETSTOCKOBJECT dd 0 dtKernel32Thunk: dtGetCommandLineA dd RVAGETCOMMANDLINEA dd 0 szGdi32 db 'gdi32.dll',0 dtHNGetStockObject dw 0 db 'GetStockObject',0 dtHNGetCommandLineA dw 0 db 'GetCommandLineA',0for our added kernel32.dll directory, we use the name rva of the first kernel32.dll directory, so we don' t have to add a string in our datas.
we' ll have to change the THUNK, NAME, RVAGETSTOCKOBJECT and RVAGETCOMMANDLINEA to the right rvas. but there' s a problem, we can' t just put the address of the strings in our code, because it will change when we' ll paste the code in the target. so we need to make some address conversion. remember that we' ll add our code at offset 1600h, that is rva 4600h. so the rva of dtGdi32Thunk, for example, will be 4600h + offset dtGdi32Thunk - offset start. so change the datas to :
dd 0h,0h,0h,[4600h + szGdi32 - start], ; added gdi32.dll [4600h + dtGdi32Thunk - start] dd 0h,0h,0h,21beh, ; added kernel32.dll [4600h + dtKernel32Thunk - start] dtGdi32Thunk: dtGetStockObject dd [4600h + dtHNGetStockObject - start] dd 0 dtKernel32Thunk: dtGetCommandLineA dd [4600h + dtHNGetCommandLineA - start] dd 0now go at offset 148h, and change the dword that is the image import directory rva to 4600h, that is 00460000. you can compile the asm file, open it and copy the bytes from the end of mkCodeStart to the start of mkCodeEnd, open the target, go at offset 1600h, and copy them. if you launch the target, it works.
IV. reversing the target
first, we' ll change the font of the edit control when it' ll create it. so bpx createwindowexa and launch the programs, look at the address pointed by the second push before the call, it' s the main window, so look at the second push before the second createwindowexa, it' s the edit control. so after this createwindowexa, you see this :
0040110D E8FC010000 call user32!createwindowexa 00401112 A308324000 mov dword ptr [00403208], eax ; stores the handle of the edit window 00401117 FF7514 push [ebp+14] 0040111A FF75B0 push [ebp-50] ; handle of main window 0040111D E834020000 call user32!showwindow 00401122 FF7514 push [ebp+14] 00401125 FF3508324000 push dword ptr [00403208] ; handle of edit window 0040112B E826020000 call user32!showwindowso the mov is 5 bytes long, we can replace it by a jump to our code. masm doesn' t compile the jumps the right way, so we' ll use the macros i' ve written to generate good jumps, so before the .const line, add this :
fjmpb macro ptDestinationV local jmpstart jmpstart db 0e9h dd ptDestinationV - (VIRTUALADDRESS + (jmpstart - start) + 5) endm fjmpf macro ptDestination,ptStartV db 0e9h dd (VIRTUALADDRESS + (ptDestination - start)) - ptStartV - 5 endmin the .const part, add this :
VIRTUALADDRESS equ 04600hfjmpb stands for far jump back, it' s to jump from our code to the target, ptDestinationV is the va of the destination. fjmpf stands for far jump forward, it' s to jump from the target to our code, ptDestination is the label in our code to wich it should jump, and ptStartV is the va of the jump start. so before the mkCodeStart marker, add this :
mkJump1 db '- jump1 -' fjmpf codesnippet1,01112hso we have to write the codesnippet1 code. we' ll have to execute the jump that we overwritten. to have the right addresses when executing pushs, movs, ... we' ll have to use a method that comes from the virus programmation, it' s called delta offsets. to compute a delta offset, that is the difference between the current offset in our compiled code and in the code in the target, we' ll use the macro i have written that is getdelta. so after the other macros, add this :
getdelta macro local computedelta call computedelta computedelta: pop ebp sub ebp,computedelta endmafter this macro is executed, ebp contains the delta offset. but since we change ebp, and we might change the other registers in our code snippets, we always better begin with a pushad and ends with a popad. so write this after the code label :
codesnippet1: pushad getdelta mov dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 3208h],eax popad fjmpb 01117hgo at offset 1112h - vaCodeSection + ofCodeSection = 1112h - 1000h + 400h = 512h, and replace the 5 bytes with the 5 bytes of the jump that we compiled, then overwrite the bytes starting from offset 1600h with the bytes of the code. launch the target. it works.
now we' ll change the font of the edit control. after the mov in codesnippet1, add this :
push OEM_FIXED_FONT ; (10h) call dword ptr [ebp + dtGetStockObject] ; getstockobject push 0 push eax push WM_SETFONT ; (30h) push dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 3208h] ; handle of edit control call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 2050h] ; sendmessageacompile the code, and replace the code at offset 1600h. launch the target, it works.
now we can treat the commandline, we can even do it in the same snippet. to show how we can use the datas in our code, we' ll add that in our datas (remember that the image import directory must be the first line after the start label, since we changed the import table rva in the pe header to point to this address) :
dtBytes dd 0 hFile dd 0 hMem dd 0 ptMem dd 0and we' ll add this in our code, after the call to sendmessagea :
call dword ptr [ebp + dtGetCommandLineA] ; getcommandlinea lea edi,[eax+1] mov al,'"' mov ecx,-1 repnz scasb inc edi cmp byte ptr [edi],0 jz nofile push 10000h push GHND ; (42h) call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 2014h] ; globalalloc mov dword ptr [ebp + hMem],eax ; store the allocated space handle push eax ; handle call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 201ch] ; globallock mov dword ptr [ebp + ptMem],eax ; store the allocated space address push 0 push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ; (00000080h) push OPEN_EXISTING ; (3h) push 0 push 0 push GENERIC_READ ; (80000000h) push edi ; filename address call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 2008h] ; createfilea mov dword ptr [ebp + hFile],eax ; store the file handle cmp eax,-1 ; the file has been opened ? jz @f ; no, free the allocated space push 0 lea edx,[ebp + dtBytes] push edx ; push the address of dtBytes push 0ffffh push dword ptr [ebp + ptMem] ; allocated space address push eax ; handle of file call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 200ch] ; readfile mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + ptMem] ; allocated space address add eax,dword ptr [ebp + dtBytes] ; add the number of read bytes and byte ptr [eax],0 ; add a zero byte after the file push dword ptr [ebp + hFile] ; handle of file call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 2004h] ; closehandle push dword ptr [ebp + ptMem] ; address of allocated space push dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 3208h] ; handle of the edit control call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 2048h] ; setwindowtexta @@: push dword ptr [ebp + hMem] call dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 2018h] ; globalfree nofile: popad fjmpb 01117hnow compile the code, change the jump at offset 512h, and add the code. launch the target, it works.
i' ve noticed a bug, when the program loads a file, it does not add a zero byte at the end of the read file, as we did in the code we just added. so we' ll correct this bug.
bpx createfilea and open a file. you see this :
00401254 6A00 push 00000000 00401256 6880000000 push 00000080 0040125B 6A03 push 00000003 0040125D 6A00 push 00000000 0040125F 6A00 push 00000000 00401261 6800000080 push 80000000 00401266 6800304000 push 00403000 0040126B E874000000 call kernel32!createfilea ; open the file 00401270 83F8FF cmp eax, FFFFFFFF 00401273 0F8473FFFFFF je 004011EC 00401279 50 push eax 0040127A 6A00 push 00000000 0040127C 6804314000 push 00403104 ; address of dtBytes 00401281 68FFFF0000 push 0000FFFF 00401286 FF3514324000 push dword ptr [00403214] ; address of ptMem 0040128C 50 push eax 0040128D E876000000 call kernel32!readfile ; read it 00401292 58 pop eax 00401293 50 push eax 00401294 E845000000 call kernel32!closehandle 00401299 FF3514324000 push dword ptr [00403214] ; we could replace this instruction 0040129F FF3508324000 push dword ptr [00403208] 004012A5 E8A6000000 call user32!setwindowtexta 004012AA E93DFFFFFF jmp 004011EC ; return to the dialogprocso we' ll make a jump from 00401299h to our code, and then we' ll return to 0040129fh. so add this after the first jump :
mkJump2 db '- jump2 -' fjmpf codesnippet2,01299hand add this after the first code snippet :
codesnippet2: push ebp getdelta mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 3214h] ; ptMem add eax,dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 3104h] ; dtBytes and byte ptr [eax],0 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + start - VIRTUALADDRESS + 3214h] pop ebp push eax fjmpb 0129fhcompile the code and replace the 5 bytes at 699h by the bytes of the second jump, then add the code at offset 1600h. launch the target, it works.
IV. final words
now it' s easy to write your own patcher in asm that will automatize the task of adding the code to the executable. you can always use the sources of the fleur patcher.