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DREAD stands for:

Dutch Reverse Engineering Artistic Decypherians

DREAD was founded by two Dutch people: Knotty Dread and Steinowitz. CyberLatin, with his experience, became the 'kick starter', he helped DREAD a lot on its way to what DREAD is today.

How did we came up with 'DREAD'?

After some brainstorming Knotty Dread came up with the name BREAD (he's got a strange sense of humor, as you see). Steinowitz quickly changed this into DREAD, thinking of Knotty Dread's reggae background. The abbreviation took some time. Artistic Decypherians seemed to fit best with the groups intentions. A group almost called BREAD must have humor, don't you think?

In principle DREAD is a Dutch group, in which foreigners will only be accepted if they can fullfill a function for which we can't find someone speaking Dutch. So foreigners will only be accepted, if they have something important to offer. Later on, we'll probably make an international division as well.

Why Dutch?

Communication of course. Because our main goal is the 'how and why' communication is very important. We Dutch people are known for our language skills, but communicating in Dutch is easier for us. It also creates the possibilities, for example: Dutch tutorials, for the non-gods among us, and for the dutch viewers who will visit our site.

Purposes of DREAD

So the goal in DREAD is 'the art of cracking'. For example: a program is easily cracked so that any serial will be accepted, or the program won't ask for it anymore. Then it's possible that in the startup screen a line like this appears: Registered to: (blank, empty, notin at all!) Not good. This can be removed or changed, let's say to DREAD, or DREADed, or even the crackers' name for instance...

It's the purpose of DREAD to work together with as many people as possible. The structure of DREAD has been designed for that.

Structure of DREAD

At this moment, there are four divisions in DREAD. We have the Reverse Engineering Lab, where reverse engineering/cracking takes place and multiple projects are running at the same time. The Coding Lab is our programming division where reverse engineering tools, but also crackme's and such things are programmed. Public services includes everything which has to do with contact with 'the world'. Furthermore, we have a testing lab: beta-testing programs from the coding lab, help writing helpfiles, dupe-checking and tutorial checking.

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